Saturday, May 2, 2020

Stress Essay Example For Students

Stress Essay The purpose of this paper is to define stress and how it effects the bodys physiological systems. This paper will include the normal functions and organs involved in the following five physiological systems, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory, immune and musculoskeletal. This paper will also include a description of a chronic illness associated with each physiological system and how the illness is affected by stress. Stress means different things to different people and stress effects people in different ways. Some people think stress is something that happens to them such as an injury or a promotion and others think that stress is stress is what happens to our mind, body and behaviors in response to an event. While stress does involve events and how one responds to them these are not the critical factors, but our thoughts about the situation in which we are involved are the critical factors. Essentially, stress exists whenever homeostasis is disturbed or cannot be maintained (Stress and the Social System Course Guide, 1993). Homeostasis refers to the bodys ability to keep the internal chemical and physical environments constant. As your body begins to react to stress several changes occur. These changes include increased heart rate, blood pressure and secretion of stimulatory hormones. Ones body prepares itself in stressful situations to either stand ground and fight or to flee from the situatio n. Walter Cannon called this stressful reaction the fight-or-flight response (Greenberg, 1999). There are different ways in which one can experience stress and it is important to remember that stress is an essential part of life. Not all stressful situations are negative. Receiving a promotion at work, the birth of a child or taking a trip can all be stressful but are not threatening. The reason why one may see these situations as stressful is because they may feel unprepared to deal with them. To eliminate confusion and misuse of words Hans Selye gave names to the different types of stress one may experience, he described damaging or unpleasant experiences as distress and pleasurable or satisfying experiences are called eustress (Rice, 1999). The next part of this paper will consist of information describing the organs and the normal functions involved in five of the physiological systems in the human body. It will also include one illness associated with each system and how that i llness is affected by stress. They five physiological systems are:1. Cardiovascular SystemThe cardiovascular system consists of the heart and blood vessels. The heart pumps blood and the blood vessels channel and deliver it throughout the body. The bloods work is done when it gives up what the cells need and takes away the waste products they do not need. Arteries carry blood filled with nutrients away from the heart to all parts of the body. Arteries are thick-walled tubes with a circular covering of elastic fiber, which contain muscle that absorbs pressure of a heart beat and slows blood down. The system works continuously through a network of veins and arteries to ensure that oxygenated blood, needed for all vital functions, is distributed to organs and muscles (The American Medical Womens Association Guide to Cardiovascular Health, 1997). Coronary heart disease is the major cause of cardiovascular disease, which is the number one cause of death in both men and women (The America n Medical Womens Association Guide to Cardiovascular Health, 1997).Coronary heart disease refers to the presence of atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries that supply blood to the tissue of the heart, including its musculature and nervous system (Stress and the Social System Course Guide, 1993). Atherosclerosis is a condition that causes blood supply to be limited, which causes a buildup in the lining of the arteries that, narrows their openings. Two cardiologists, Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman did studies that resulted in the identification of a Type A behavior pattern. Individuals with Type A behavior patterns are, aggressive, competitive, time-urgent, hostile and often found doing things quickly or multiple tasks at once. These are all behaviors that are related to stress. Type A behavior patterns were also disproportionately represented among heart attack patients. A review of the studies has verified that a relationship does exist between Type A stress related behaviors and coronary heart disease (Greenberg, 1999). The physiological mechanisms that appear to lead from chronic stress to coronary heart disease seem to be related to increased serum cholesterol, blood pressure, blood volume and accelerated heart rate. These problems interfere with the normal flow of blood through the coronary vessels of the heart and are related to the effects of emotional stress. Stressed individuals also tend to possess habits that multiply stress on the heart such as smoking cigarettes, overeating throughout the day and lack of participation in a regular exercise program. 2. Gastrointestinal SystemThe gastrointestinal system includes the liver, gall bladder, esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon. The gastrointestinal system enables the body to digest and absorb nutrients from food, and protects the body from incoming allergens, toxins and metabolic waste products. The gastrointestinal system is the largest immune-reactive system in the body. Functional problems within this system can effect every other organ and system in the body. Macbeth 13 EssayMusculoskeletal SystemThe musculoskeletal system consists of bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. The human skeleton is the basic foundation of our body structure. It provides ones framework for its shape and size it also provides a portion of the locomotive system. The skeleton, supported by the muscular system, bones and joints is how the body moves and bears weight. The skeletal system also protects ones vital organs such as the brain, the heart and the lungs. The health of bones in the musculoskeletal system is important and they are effected by the amount of stress placed on them. Good muscle tone is needed to stabilize joints. Bones and muscles lose their bulk when they are not used so it is important to exercise and keep active in order to keep your musculoskeletal system healthy (The Musculoskeletal System, 1999). A common problem associated with the musculoskeletal system is temporomandibular joint disorder. The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a small joint located in front of the ear where the skull and lower jaw meet. This joint allows the lower jaw to move and function properly. TMJ disorder develops when the smooth operation of this joint is interfered with. Individuals with TMJ disorder may experience a variety of problems. They may complain of earaches, headaches and limited ability to open the mouth. Individuals may also hear grating sounds and feel pain when opening and closing the mouth (The TMJ, 1998). Diagnosing TMJ disorder can be complex and may require different diagnostic procedures. The TMJ disorder is commonly caused by stress.Many patients who complain of TMJ disorder symptoms may just have muscle and joint problems. However, stress often causes increased tension and spasm to occur in the head and lower neck resulting in TMJ syndrome. The reason for this is, tension from st ress can cause people to clench or grind their teeth at night and because it frequently happens while they are sleeping many times they are often unaware that they are doing it. As a result the TMJ is subjected to wear and becomes displaced. In addition TMJ disorder can also be caused by arthritis, and arthritis may also be the result of the body having to deal with too much stress (Course Guide Stress and the Social System, 1993). In conclusion, there is definitely a correlation between the way in which one perceives stressful situations and how serious an illness may become. How one perceives a stressful event and how one reacts to it determines the impact it may have on ones health. The events in an individuals life may be seen as motivating or invigorating, or they may be seen as stressful. When events our perceived as stressful it causes one to respond in a manner that may have negative effects on their physical, mental and social well being. Constant response to stress in a negative manner causes ones health and happiness to suffer. Any illness one may experience is always worsened by the changes a body goes through due to stress.It is very important to understand ones body and the responses it may have towards stress provoking situations. One can live a happier and healthier life by learning how to handle stress more effectively.It is not reasonable for one to think that they can lead a stress free life. However, it is possible to develop strategies to minimize and control the way we perceive stressful situations. After all external events are not stressful but how we perceive them is (Stress and the Social System Course Guide, 1993). BibliographyGreenberg, Jerold S. Comprehensive Stress Management, 6th ed., Dubuque, IA: W. C. Brown 1999. Kitteredge, Mary. The Respiratory System, New York, NY: Chelsea House Publishing, 1989. Nourse, M. D. Your Immune System, New York, NY: Franklin Watts, 1989. Rice, Phillip L.Stress and Health, 3rd ed., New York, NY: Brooks/Cole, 1993. The American Medical Womens Association. Guide to Cardiovascular Health, New York, NY: Dell Publishing, 1997. University of Maryland University College. Course Guide-BEHS 463: Stress and the Social System, College Park, MD: International University Consortium, 1998. Weston, M. D. Know Your Body: The Atlas of Anatomy. Berkeley, CA: Marshall Cavendish Books Limited, 1985Internet SourcesBalta, D. M. D. (1998). The TMJ: How can Such a Small Joint Cause so Much Trouble?, Online. Available: 2/12/00. Seattle Education Project. (1993, November). STEP: The Immune System An Overview, Online. Available: 2/12/00. Byard, Terry ; Favian. (1993). The Musculoskeletal System, Online. Available: 2/14/00. Words/ Pages : 2,679 / 24

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